2020年5月22日(金)、25日(月)の2日間、株式会社アクセルスペースに『 リモートセンシング基礎講座 』をオンライン形式で開催いたしました。外出自粛期間ということもあり、研修受講者の皆さんはご自宅から受講してくださいました。
RESTECではご指定の会場に講師を派遣、またはオンラインで既存の対面講座を実施する「 オンサイト研修 」を提供しています。オンライン形式での講座は国内外を問わず、遠方のお客様にも研修をお届けすることが可能です。社内研修にもご活用いただけますので、ご関心のある方は こちらから お気軽にお問い合わせください。
“Basic Course on Remote Sensing” was held online for AXELSPACE Corporation
On 22nd and 25th May, 2020, RESTEC held an online Basic Course on Remote Sensing at AXELSPACE Corporation. Due to the Corona Virus restrictions and prevailing precautions, all the trainees took the course from their respective homes.
This time, people from a wide range of occupations, including sales staff to engineers, attended the basic remote sensing course. At the request of the company, which is a multinational corporation, the training was conducted in English.
One of the employees who took part in the course commented : The textbook used in the lecture contained many actual photos and diagrams, which were very helpful to me as a non-engineer. I was able to have meaningful discussions with the lecturer on specific issues that are not covered in books or on the internet. I also was able to have meaningful discussions with the instructor on specific issues that I don’t understand through books or through the internet.
RESTEC can also offer “On-Site Training” service, where we dispatch the instructor to the venue of your choice or conduct an existing face-to-face course online. Our online courses can be delivered to customers in Japan and abroad, even in distant locations. Please contact us for more information on how we can help you with your internal training needs.
mail to : training@restec.or.jp